Education in Monaco for non-residents: kindergartens, schools, universities

Preschool education
Until the age of 6, children receive education in preschool institutions. The scope of early childhood education (Écoles Maternelles) includes nurseries and kindergartens. They accept children as young as 3 years old or those who will soon be 3 years old after admission.
Children work with psychologists and teachers who develop the basic skills needed for learning and communication. In Monaco, a small principality, there are 7 preschool institutions, most of which are privately owned.
School education
Elementary education
Only children who, at the time of application, are 6 years old or will be in the first term of school, can enroll in primary school. It is worth noting that school classes are numbered in reverse order. Thus, at the age of 6, children enter the 6th grade, which is considered preparatory, the 5th and 4th grades constitute the primary course of study, the 3rd and 2nd grades are considered the secondary course of the primary school. After successfully passing the exams, students can move on to the intermediate stage of education.
Secondary and secondary specialized education
Secondary education consists of 2 stages. The first stage lasts 4 years and is called College (College). This period of the life of students is designed to deepen the basic knowledge gained earlier. The second stage lasts 3 years and is called the lyceum (Lycee).
Moreover, only the first year of study at the lyceum is mandatory, the rest are considered optional and are aimed at further career guidance.
One of the features of the local education system is the almost complete absence of a difference between complete secondary education and specialized secondary education.
To a greater extent, this situation is connected with the trends that have formed in the labor market. The country receives its main income from tourism and the financial sector.
On the territory of the principality there are only 6 institutions of secondary education:
At the end of secondary education, students can stop learning and start working or go to university.
Higher education
There is only one university in the Principality of Monaco - the International University of Monaco (IUM). This is a private educational institution accredited by ACICS (Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools) in the USA. About 650 students enter the university every year.
Education in Monaco is one of the most expensive in Europe: about $19,590 a year. For comparison, the cost of studying at public universities in France is about $3,015 per year. However, these costs are still lower than in the US, where a year of study can cost up to $50,000.

Studying programs
The International University of Monaco offers one Bachelor's degree program, five Master's programs including an MBA program and a DBA (Doctorate in Business) program. In addition, students can receive both a master's and a doctoral degree in the Double Degree program. This program was developed by IUM in cooperation with the Austrian MCI Entrepreneurial School: the master's degree is obtained in Austria, and the doctoral degree is completed in Monaco.
If you want to determine if studying at the International University of Monaco is right for you, the university offers summer courses for high school and high school graduates. The Summer University program focuses on developing teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving skills. In addition, the English Immersion for High School Students program will help improve your English language skills.