Mercury Group
For sale investment property in Riga
- Latvia, Riga, Purvciems
- Gunara Astra
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Property description
- Latvia, Riga, Purvciems
- Gunara Astra
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Old Town / City Center - 15-20 min by car, Riga Airport - 30-40 min by car, Central Railway Station - 10-15 min by car, Jurmala - 40-50 min by car.
Transport links are well developed: Trolleybus, Bus, Mikrobuses. A lot of grocery stores, a few gas stations and fast food restaurants.
The area of the land is 6743 m2, the area of the building is 6780 m2, the useful area - 4600m2.
The main tenants - large well known companies use 92% of all occupied M2 on long term basis.
The building was reconstructed in 2007, the medal was received. The best reconstruction of the year.
There are 110 parking spaces.
Floor plans in PDF application
Basic parameters:
View characteristics:
Recreation and infrastructure within a radius of 1 km:
Finance and management:
Residence permit could be obtained through the property purchase. Leave your request in order to get more information about Residence Permit.
- Latvia, Riga, Purvciems
- Gunara Astra
Currency calculator
What you should know, purchasing a property in Latvia
** After rental period you check out, own your property, and:
1. give it for rent and get the loan covered keeping real estate till the highest market to resell, or
2. resell and get the invested money + capitalization profit
In both cases, your rental costs when purchasing real estate are reduced by an average of three times.