Mercury Group
For sale rent exclusive premises in Old Town
- Latvia, Riga, Centre
- Elizabetes
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Property description
- Latvia, Riga, Centre
- Elizabetes
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Elizabetes Street is the location of: the embassies of Austria, Greece, Israel, Spain, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, the Institute of Inter- national Relations of Latvia, as well as the World Trade Centre, central offices of banks and many other significant institutions. Elizabeth is surrounded by Riga's most beautiful parks.
This office space is laid out on 2 floors and has two entrances: from the building facade and the yard. Total area 319, 8 m2.
The first ground floor has a spacious lounge, 2 bathrooms, small storage room, stairs to the upper office floor, high ceilings 2, 73m.
The first high floor has room with windows on the facade, lobby, several bathrooms, exit to the yard, 2 more rooms with windows to the courtyard, utility room. high ceilings, 3.73m.
Offices are connected to the central heating, water supply and sanitation. Heat meters, able to regulate the temperature in each room individually.
Installed air conditioning system with air recovery, and there is the possibility of installing air conditioning equipment. The office is equipped with a central fire alarm system, as well as have the ability to set the alarm.
Paid parking nearby.
Basic parameters:
View characteristics:
Recreation and infrastructure within a radius of 1 km:
Finance and management:
Location on Map
Residence permit could be obtained through the property purchase. Leave your request in order to get more information about Residence Permit.
- Latvia, Riga, Centre
- Elizabetes
Currency calculator
What you should know, purchasing a property in Latvia
** After rental period you check out, own your property, and:
1. give it for rent and get the loan covered keeping real estate till the highest market to resell, or
2. resell and get the invested money + capitalization profit
In both cases, your rental costs when purchasing real estate are reduced by an average of three times.