Pre-school, school, higher education in Italy for non-residents

Asilo Nido is a nursery that accepts children from three months to three years. Most often these are short-stay groups - from 9:30 to 13:00. A full day for this age is offered mainly in private kindergartens.
Scuola Materna is intended for children from 3 to 6 years old. Despite the fact that learning remains completely playful, children still learn here.
If the child goes to a state kindergarten, then the visit will be free, but meals and monthly excursions are paid separately. Usually the amount is up to 100 euros per month and is recalculated if the baby for some reason did not go to the garden.
In private kindergartens, the fee is up to 300 euros per month. This amount is fixed and is not recalculated in case of illness.
School education
Education in Italy for non-residents has its advantages. It will be especially comfortable for children with a craving for drawing, music, fashion or design.
All children living in the country have access to free education. The nationality of the child can be any. The high level of presentation of the material is equally high in different schools.
However, foreign children should focus on studying in private schools, as this helps to solve the language issue. In state educational institutions, English is the second language, and the main process is conducted in Italian.
Another significant advantage of private schools for visiting children is the small number of students in the classes. The children take lessons in small groups in small classrooms, which allows teachers to pay more attention to each student.
The provision of school education in Italy is based on a uniform curriculum. Most private schools also operate under a general curriculum set by the ministry. The examination system in Italy is unified.
At the same time, the standards of education in different regions are not the same. In the north of the country, the quality of education is clearly better than in the southern and agricultural areas.
Studying in Italy is not only sitting at your desks. Free time students can use with great benefit for their own horizons. It is customary to spend extra-curricular time in Italian schools on exciting trips and trips to incredible historical places.
The most popular private schools in Italy
- Private school Stephen's School, Rome
- Renaissance School (Canadian high school education), Lanciano
- The International School of Venice (bilingual programs, Italian and English, for Early Years, Primary and Middle School age children), Venice
- Private School of Como, Como
- St Louis School Milan, Milan
- International School of Modena, Modena
Advantages of studying in Italian university
Low cost of education. Against the background of many European countries, Italy stands out for its low tuition fees - about 4,500 USD per year when studying in Italian. In addition, a foreign student has the opportunity to receive a social scholarship from the state, which is issued to all those in need of additional funding.
Freedom of choice. There are no fixed educational programs in Italian universities. What the student will study, for the most part, depends only on him: he himself chooses courses and lecturers. This allows the student to avoid subjects that are useless to him, but forces him to carefully monitor the courses available and the number of credits earned.
Design and architecture. The best destinations to study in Italy are design, architecture and urban planning. They are taught at polytechnic universities, which have recently begun to gain immense popularity. Today Turin and Milan Polytechnics are as well known as the University of Bologna.
English language programs. Due to the fact that Italy is one of the most popular countries for studying among foreigners, over the past 10 years the number of English-language programs has almost doubled. The level of English language proficiency required for admission to an Italian university must be at least Intermediate (min. IELTS 5.5) for a bachelor's degree or Upper-Intermediate (min. IELTS 6.5) for a master's degree.

Top universities in italy for international students
. Best real estate deals in Italy
- Flats, apartment 32
- Houses, Villas, Cottages 132
- Mansions, castles, estates 116
- Twin Houses 74
- Hotel Apartment 50
- Chalets 22
- Penthouses 58
- Golf real estate 42