Mercury Group
Storage premises for rent in Riga
- Latvia, Riga, Agenskalns
- Daugavgrivas
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Property description
- Latvia, Riga, Agenskalns
- Daugavgrivas
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The port has convenient road and railway connections. The territory is more than 120,000 m², RD-1 (up to 125 metres / 6.5 metres) and RD-2 berths (up to 125 metres / 7 metres), warehouse, office buildings and land are owned by the company. 00-24 security, video cameras.
The possibilities f the port:
Loading norms:
Bulk cargo: grain, wood pellets - on average, 4,000 tonnes a day on vessels of up to 10,000 tonnes
Wood, timber - from 1,500 to 3,000 m³ a day
Railway for 50 wagons
Equipment and machinery
Crane - 4 pc, with 8 t carrying capacity
Mobile cranes - 3 pc, with 10 t carrying capacity
Front-end loaders – 2 pc, with buckets for 6 and 9 m³
Belt conveyors, length and t/hr
Truck scales - 80 t carrying capacity, 18 m long
Open sites - 30,000 m²
Basic parameters:
View characteristics:
Recreation and infrastructure within a radius of 1 km:
Finance and management:
- Latvia, Riga, Agenskalns
- Daugavgrivas
Currency calculator
What you should know, purchasing a property in Latvia
** After rental period you check out, own your property, and:
1. give it for rent and get the loan covered keeping real estate till the highest market to resell, or
2. resell and get the invested money + capitalization profit
In both cases, your rental costs when purchasing real estate are reduced by an average of three times.