Slovenia offers a choice of three options for obtaining a residence permit.Slovenian law does not allow foreigners who are not EU citizens to buy local real estate as individuals.
Residence permit in Slovenia in 2023: how to get
Foreigners can become owners of objects in Slovenia only as legal entities, that is, having previously registered a company in the country and acquiring an object for it.
The most popular form for investors is a limited liability company (družba z omejeno odgovornostjo - d.o.o.). The requirement cannot be bypassed.
A large investment (from 1 million euros) in a development, industrial or infrastructure facility. In this case, it is important that the object is socially significant and important for the local community, the city or Slovenia as a whole.
The Bank is reviewing the business plan and will be ready to provide partial financing as well. Of course, the object / project must be ready for implementation and have all the necessary approvals and permits.
Purchase of any operating business (hotel, logistics facility, shopping center, etc.) with an estimated value of at least 1 million euros. The investment object must also be socially significant and important for the local community, city or Slovenia as a whole.
The bank is reviewing the business plan and will also be ready to provide financing up to 50% of the business value.
Business relocation to Slovenia. Relocation includes the sale of equipment in Russia, the purchase or transportation to Slovenia, the relocation of personnel or the entire family of the owner.
The bank will review the business plan and, based on its evaluation, will make a decision to open an account.